Qijin She


National University of Defense Technology 2019.9 - 2022.6

Changsha, Hunan, China

Shandong University 2015.9 - 2019.6

Jinan, Shandong, China

Research Experience

Project 1: Reaching-and-grasping Planning for Dexterous Hand October 2020 - January 2022

Advised by Prof. Ruizhen Hu, Prof. Hui Huang, Prof. Kai Xu Visual Computing Research Center, Shenzhen University
Project Leader

Project 2: Online 3D Bin Packing Problem August 2019 - October 2020

Advised by Prof. Chenyang Zhu, Prof. Ying Yang, Prof. Kai Xu iGRAPE Lab, National University of Defense Technology
Project Co-Leader


Learning High-DOF Reaching-and-Grasping via Dynamic Representation of Gripper-Object Interaction

Qijin She*, Ruizhen Hu*, Juzhan Xu, Min Liu, Kai Xu, Hui Huang. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH’22)
Proposed a novel geometric representation that dynamically characterizes gripper-object spatial relation, as well as a learning method to train a policy model using this representation to solve the High-DOF reaching-and-grasping task.

Online 3D Bin Packing with Constrained Deep Reinforcement Learning

Hang Zhao*, Qijin She*, Chenyang Zhu, Ying Yang, Kai Xu. AAAI 2021
Proposed a new constrained reinforcement learning method with modified Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to solve the online 3D bin packing problem where only the first k items are known and in a fixed order.

Honors & Scholarships

NUDT Excellent Master’s Thesis (about top 5% of master’s graduates) 2023
The Best Poster Award at CCF CAD&CG 2022 (top 10 popular poster) 2022
Outstanding Postgraduate Scholarship (for excellent academic performance) 2020
Linglong Scholarship (top 2.5% in the School of Software) 2016,2018
First Prize Scholarship (top 10% in the School of Software) 2016,2018


Teaching Assistant, Data Structure and Algorithm NUDT, Fall 2020
Teaching Assistant, Seminar on Research Methods and Academic Writing in Computational Science NUDT, Spring 2020


Journal Reviewer: CVMJ 2022


Programming: Python, Latex, C++, C, ROS1, Shell, Java
Tools: Blender, Pybullet, Meshlab, Scrapy, Photoshop


Math Courses: Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Numerical Computing, Probability and Statistics, Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis, Stochastic Process

Professional Courses: Advanced Computer Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Graphics, Computational Geometry, Computer Network, Data Structure and Algorithms, Database System, Data Mining, Game Theory (MOOC), Machine Learning, Operating System, Pattern Recognition, Parallel Computing, Reinforcement Learning (MOOC), Software Engineering, Software Testing, Web Data Management